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Access the workflow conda environments

The env subcommand in the workflow tool allows you to access and manage the conda environments used within the workflow. This guide provides an overview of the available options and commands for working with workflow environments.


  • --help, -h: Show the help message and exit.


The env subcommand provides several commands to manage the workflows conda environments.


List the environments in the workflow.

snk-basic-pipeline env list [OPTIONS]


Activate a workflow conda environment.

snk-basic-pipeline env activate [OPTIONS] ENV_NAME
  • ENV_NAME: Name of the environment to activate.

This command activates the specified conda environment within the workflow.


This command creates all the conda environments specified in the envs dir. Individual conda envs can be create with workflow env create ENV_NAME.

Snakemake workflows that use a lot of conda environments can take a long time to install as each env is created sequentially. Running workflow env create --workers number_of_workers will create all the conda envs in parallel up to the number of workers requested (defaults to 1).

snk-basic-pipeline env create --workers 4  # create up to 4 conda envs at a time


Some conda envs may not support parallel creation. If you encounter an error, try reducing the number of workers.


Delete conda environments.

snk-basic-pipeline env remove [OPTIONS] [ENV_NAME...]

This command deletes all the conda environments in the workflow. You can also delete individual environments by specifying the environment name. Use the --force option to skip the confirmation prompt.


The env run command in the workflow tool allows you to run a command within one of the workflow environments.


  • cmd: The command to run in the environment. This argument is required.


  • --env, -e: The name of the environment in which to run the command.
  • --help, -h: Show the help message and exit.


To run a command in one of the workflow environments, use the following command format:

snk-basic-pipeline env run --env ENV_NAME CMD...
  • CMD...: The command and its arguments to execute within the specified environment.

Make sure to replace ENV_NAME with the actual name of the desired environment, and CMD... with the command you want to run.


Here's an example command that demonstrates the usage of workflow env run:

snk-basic-pipeline env run -e my_environment "python --input input_file.txt --output output_file.txt"

This command runs the python --input input_file.txt --output output_file.txt command within the my_environment environment in the workflow. Adjust the command and environment name according to your specific use case.

  • ENV_NAME: Name of the environment in which to run the command.
  • COMMAND [ARGS]...: The command and its arguments to execute within the specified environment.

This command runs the provided command within the specified conda environment in the workflow.


Show the environments config file contents.

snk-basic-pipeline env show [OPTIONS]

This command displays the contents of the environments configuration file used in the workflow.