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Snk Configuration File

The snk.yaml file serves as the main interface for configuring the Snk workflow CLI. Users can tailor the workflow's settings, specify required resources, and control the appearance of the command line interface by setting various options in the snk.yaml file.

Available Configuration Options

The following options are available for configuration in snk.yaml:

  • logo: The text used to dynamically generate the ASCII art displayed in the CLI. Default: <name-of-workflow>.
  • art: A string representing ASCII art to display in the CLI (overwrites logo). Default: null.
  • tagline: A string representing the tagline displayed in the CLI. Default: "A Snakemake workflow CLI generated with Snk".
  • font: A string representing the font used in the CLI (see FontList). Default: "small".
  • resources: A list of resource files required for the workflow. Default: [].
  • cli: Annotations for the workflow cli parameters (see CLI section below.
  • symlink_resources: A boolean that controls whether symbolic links are created for resources (avoid using this unless you know). Default: False.
  • conda: A boolean that controls whether the workflow should use conda. The --use-conda flag will only be passed to snakemake if conda is True and the conda command is available. Default: True.
  • additional_snakemake_args: A list of additional arguments to pass to snakemake. Default: [].
  • skip_missing: skip any missing cli options (i.e. those in config but not in the snk file). Default: False.
  • commands: A list of subcommands to include in the CLI. Defaults to ["run", "script", "env", "profile", "info", "config"].

Example snk.yaml File

Below is an example of a snk.yaml file illustrating all available options:

logo: "MyWorkflow"
font: "cybermedium"
art: |
  _______  _______  _______  _______ 
 (  ____ \(  ___  )(       )(  ____ \
 | (    \/| (   ) || () () || (    \/
 | (__    | (___) || || || || (_____ 
 |  __)   |  ___  || |(_)| |(_____  )
 | (      | (   ) || |   | |      ) |
 | (____/\| )   ( || )   ( |/\____) |
 (_______/|/     \||/     \|\_______)
tagline: "A comprehensive Snakemake workflow configured with snk.yaml"
  - "data/input1.txt"
  - "data/input2.txt"
symlink_resources: False
conda: True
  - "--reason"
skip_missing: True
    type: Path
    help: "Path to the input file"
    required: True
    type: Path
    help: "Path to the output directory"
    required: True

In this example:

  • The workflow logo is set to "MyWorkflow".
  • The font used for the CLI logo is "cybermedium".
  • ASCII art is specified directly in the art configuration, taking precedence over the logo if both are provided.
  • The tagline is "A workflow to illustrate the use of snk.yaml". This will be printed in the CLI help under the logo.
  • Two resource files, data/input1.txt and data/input2.txt, are required for the workflow. They will be copied to the working directory at runtime.
  • The conda flag is enabled (True), indicating that the workflow should utilise Conda environments for executing tasks, provided the conda command is accessible in the system environment.
  • Additional Snakemake arguments are specified under additional_snakemake_args, including --reason which will display the reasons for rule execution.
  • The skip_missing option is enabled (True), which means that only config defined in the snk.yaml file, will be included in the dynamically generate CLI.
  • An annotation is provided for the input parameter, which is of type str and comes with a help message "Path to the input file".


Annotations play a crucial role in configuring the dynamic Snk CLI. They provide metadata about the configuration parameters used in your Snakemake workflow and can dictate how the CLI will prompt users for these parameters. The snk.yaml file supports the following fields under annotations:

  • type: Determines the datatype of the configuration parameter. It can be one of the following: int, str, path, bool, list, list[str], list[path], or list[int].
  • help: This is a descriptive text that provides users with information or guidance on what the parameter is used for.
  • required: A boolean value (either True or False) that indicates whether the parameter is mandatory. If a parameter is marked as required: True, the Snk CLI will insist that a user provides a value for it.
  • default: A default value for the parameter. If a user does not provide a value for the parameter, the Snk CLI will use this default value instead.
  • short: A short (-) flag to use with the option.

Example snk.yaml File with CLI Annotations

Here's an example of a snk.yaml file that includes annotations for several configuration parameters:

    type: path
    help: "Path to the input file"
    required: True
    short: i
    default: "Hello, world!"
    type: str
    help: "A string to save to a file"
    required: False
    type: int
    help: "Number of times to perform the operation"
    required: True
    type: bool
    help: "A boolean flag to enable or disable a feature"
    required: False

In this example, the input and count parameters are required, while the text and flag parameters are optional. the flas -i can be used as shorthand for --input. The type and help attributes provide additional information about each parameter, informing the user of the expected datatype and what the parameter is used for, respectively.

Nested Annotations in the snk.yaml File

Your snk.yaml annotations must match the structure of your config.yaml file. If you have nested options in your config.yaml file, you must specify these in the snk.yaml file as well. Here's an example of how you might specify nested options in a snk.yaml file:

      type: path
      help: "Path to the input file"
    type: str
    default: "Hello, world!"

This will produce the following CLI:

workflow run --nested-input <input> --option <other_option>

The matching config.yaml would look like this:

  input: "path/to/input"
option: "Hello, world!"

Using snk.yaml without a config.yaml file

If you don't have a config.yaml file, you can still use the snk.yaml file to specify the parameters for your workflow. The snk.yaml file will be used to generate the CLI, and the parameters will be available in the config dictionary in your Snakefile. However, you should probably still have a config.yaml file to store your config, as this is the standard way to manage configuration in Snakemake workflows (unless you're creating a workflow package).

Validating Config with the snk.yaml File

Snk provides a function that can be use to validate snakemake config using the snk.yaml cli annotations. The validate_config function will convert values to the correct type if possible. If the value cannot be converted to the correct type, an error will be raised. This can be added to the start of your Snakefile to ensure that the config is valid before running the workflow.

  from snk_cli import validate_config
  validate_config(config, snk_yaml)
except ImportError:

To ensure that the workflow will still run in the absence of the snk package, you can wrap the import statement in a try/except block.


Resources represent files or folders that are essential for the execution of the workflow. They must be present in the workflow's working directory at runtime. The snk.yaml configuration file allows you to specify these resources.

When the workflow is invoked with the run command, the Snk CLI will ensure that the specified resources are available in the working directory. It accomplishes this by either copying the resource files or creating symbolic links (symlinks) to them. The method used depends on the value of the symlink_resources option in the snk.yaml file. If symlink_resources is set to true, symlinks will be used. Otherwise, the files will be copied.


You should only set symlink_resources to true if the workflow won't modify these resources. Any modifications to symlinked resources will be system-wide!

Once the workflow has successfully completed, the Snk CLI will clean up the working directory by deleting the copied resources or unlinking the symlinks.

Example snk.yaml File with Resources

Here's an example of how you might specify resources in a snk.yaml file:

  - "data/input1.txt"
  - "data/input2.txt"
symlink_resources: true

In this example, data/input1.txt and data/input2.txt are listed as required resources for the workflow. The symlink_resources option is set to true, meaning that symlinks to these files will be created in the working directory when the workflow is run. The symlinks will be removed once the workflow execution has successfully completed.